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Knygos |
Lietuvių kalba |
Appignanesi R., Zarate O. Susipažinkite: Freudas. 2005. |
Auchter Th., Strauss L. V. Psichoanalizės terminų žodynėlis. 2003. |
Casement P. Mokausi iš paciento.,1997 |
Corsini R.,J. Wedding D. Šiuolaikinė psichoterapija., 2011 |
Fhaner S. Psichoanalizės žodynas. 2005. |
Freud S. Kasdienio gyvenimo psichopatologija. 2006. |
Freud S. Psichoanalizės įvadas. 1999. |
Gabbard G. O. Sopranų psichologija. 2006. |
Jekentaitė L. Freudizmas ir humanistinė psichoanalizė. 1992 (3 egz.) |
Yalom I. Gydymas Šopenhaueriu. 2005. |
Yalom I. Kai Nyčė verkė. 2007. |
Yalom I. Mamytė ir gyvenimo prasmė. 2006. |
Yalom I. Meilės budelis. 2005. |
Yalom I. Melagis ant kušetės. 2007. |
Yalom I. Terapijos dovana. 2007. |
Milašiūnas R. Psichoanalizė: 100 klausimų ir atsakymų. 2007. |
Milašiūnas R. Žarijų duobės: pokalbis su psichoanalitiku. 2008. |
Miller Alice. Gabaus vaiko drama ir tikrosios savasties paieška, 2011 |
Rosen N. Marta F. 2006. |
Tahka Veikko. Psichoterapijos pagrindai; remiantis psichoanalizės teorija, 1982 |
Anglų kalba |
Abraham K. Selected Papers. 1949. |
Ackerman N. (Ed.). Family Process. 1970. |
Agazarian Y. Systems-Centered Therapy for Groups. 1997. |
Alexander F. Fundamentals of Psycho-Analysis. 1949. |
The Annual of Psychoanalysis. Vol.I. 1973, |
The Annual of Psychoanalysis. Vol.I, II.? 1974 |
Anthony S. The Discovery of Death in Childhood and After. 1971. |
Anzieu D. Freud’s Self-Analysis. 1986. |
Appignanesi R., Zarate O. Freud for Beginners. 1992. |
Aronson M., Scharfman M. Psychotherapy: the Analytic Approach. 1992. |
Balint M. Primary Love and Psycho-Analytic Technique. 1965. |
Baneke J., Groen-Prakken H., Ietswaart W., N.Treurniet (Eds.). Dutch Art and Character. 1993. |
Basch M. Practicing Psychotherapy. 1992. |
Bergler E. The Writer and Psychoanalysis. 1992. |
Bernay T., Cantor D. (Ed). The Psychology of Today’s Woman. 1986. |
Bettelheim B. Freud and Man‘s Soul. 1983. |
Blackman J.S. Get the Diagnosis Right. Assessment and treatment Selections for Mental Disorders. 2010 |
Blanck G., Blanck R. Ego Psychology. Vol. II. 1979. |
Blos P. The Adolescent Passage. 1979. |
Blos P. The Young Adolescent. 1970. |
Blum H. (Ed). Defense and Resistance. 1985. |
Blum H. (Ed). Female Psychology. 1977. |
Blum H., Weinshel E., Rodman F. (Ed). The Psychoanalytic Core. 1989. |
Bodtker J. Beyond Words: Interpretive Art Therapy. 1990. |
Bollas Ch. Being a Character: Psychoanalysis and Self Experience. 1992. |
Bollas Ch. Hysteria. 2000. |
Boudewyns P., Shipley R. Flooding and Implosive Therapy. 1983. |
Bowlby J. Attachment. 1971. |
Bowlby J. Child Care and the Growth of Love. 1973. |
Brazelton T., Cramer B. The Earliest Relationship. 1991. |
Brenner Ch. An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis. 1957. |
Brenner Ch. Psychoanalytic Technique and Psychic Conflict. 1976. |
Brenner Ch. The Mind in Conflict. 1982. |
Brierley M. Trends in Psycho-Analysis. 1951. |
Bruch H. Eating Disorders. 1973. |
Call J., Galenson E., Tyson R. (Ed.). Frontiers of Infant Psychiatry. Vol. I-II. 1983. |
Casement P. Further Learning from the Patient. 1990. |
Casement P. On Learning from the Patient. 1985. |
Catipovic M., Ladame F. (Ed.). Adolescence and Psychoanalysis. 1998. |
Chasseguet-Smirgel J. (Ed.). Maintenance of the Psychoanalytic Identity and Functioning in a World in Flux. 1987. |
Chessick R. Why Psychotherapists Fail. 1971. |
Clark R.W. Freud: the Man and the Cause. 1980. |
Colarusso C, Nemiroff R. Adult Development. 1981. |
Coltart N. The Baby and the Bathwater. 1996. |
Davanloo H. (Ed.). Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. 1986. |
De Levita D. The Concept of Identity. 1965. |
Deutsch H. Psychology of Women. Vol. I-II. 1947-1948. |
Dipboye R., Smith C, Howell W. Understanding an Industrial and Organizational Psychology: An Integrated Approach. Vol. I-II. 1994. |
Dyer R. The Work of Anna Freud. 1983. |
DSM-IV. 1997. |
Eissler R., Freud A., Kris M., Solnit A. (Ed.). Studies in Child Psychoanalysis: Pure and Applied. Vol. 5. 1975. |
Eissler R., Freud A., Kris M., Solnit A.J., (ed). The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Physical Illness and Handicap in Childhood. 1977 |
Ekstern R., Wallerstein R. The Teaching and Learning of Psychotherapy. 1972. |
Ellenberg H. The Discovery of the Unconscious. 1970. |
Ellman S. Freud‘s Technique Papers. 1991. |
Erikson E. Selected Papers: Identity and the Life Cycle. 1959. |
Etchegoyen H. The Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique. 1991. |
Feldstein R., Roof J. (Ed.). Feminism and Psychoanalysis. 1989. |
Fenichel O. The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis. 1960. |
Ferenczi S. Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psycho-Analysis. 1955. |
Ferenczi S. First Contributions to Psycho-Analysis. 1952. |
Ferenczi S. Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psycho-Analysis. 1926. |
Fleming J., Benedek T. Psychoanalytic Supervision. 1966. |
Fliess R. The Psycho-Analytic Reader. 1950. |
Flugel J. Man, Morals and Society. 1945. |
Flugel J. Studies in Feeling and Desire. 1955. |
Flugel J. The Psycho-Analytic Study of the Family. 1935. |
Fonagy P. Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis. 2001. |
Freeman L., Strean H. Freud and Women. 1981. |
Freeman-Sharpe E. Collected Papers on Psychoanalysis. 1950. |
Freeman-Sharpe E. Dream Analysis. 1937. |
Freud A. Normality and Pathology in Childhood. 1965. |
Freud A. The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence. 1986. |
Freud A. The Psycho-Analytical Treatment of Children. 1946. |
Freud A., Burlingham D. Infants without Families. 1944. |
Freud S. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. 1938. |
Freud S. Case Histories. Vol. II. 1909-1920. |
Freud S. Civilization and Its Discontents. 1930. |
Freud S. Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. 1921. |
Freud S. New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis. 1933. |
Freud S. On Metapsychology. 1911-1938. |
Freud S. Standard Edition of Complete Psychological Works. Vol. I-XXIV. |
Freud S. The Ego and the Id. 1923. |
Freud S. The Problem of Anxiety. 1936. |
Fromm E. Greatness and Limitations of Freud‘s Thought. 1980. |
Fromm-Reichman F. Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. 1959. |
Frosch J., Ross N. (Ed.). The Annual Survey of Psychoanalysis. Vol. III, V, IX. 1952-1958. |
Gabbard G. Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. 1994. |
Gabbard G.O., Lester E. P. Boundaries and Boundary violations in Psychoanalysis.1995 |
Geerlings M.I. Depression, Memory Complaints, Education and Alzheimer‘s Desease. An Epiemiological Study on Risk and Early Detection. 1995 |
Geleerd E. (Ed.). The Child Analyst at Work. 1967. |
Gill M., Hoffman I. Analysis of Transference. Vol. I-II. 1982. |
Gitelson M. Psychoanalysis: Science and Profession. 1973. |
Glover E. On the Early Development of Mind. 1956. |
Glover E. The Technique of Psychoanalysis. 1955. |
Goldberg A. (Ed). Advances in Self Psychology. 1980. |
Goldberg A. (Ed). The Psychology of the Self: A Casebook. 1978. |
Goldberg D., Rayner J. The Jewish People. 1987. |
Green A. The Tragic Effect. 1979. |
Green A. On Private Madness.1986 |
Greenacre Ph. Emotional Growth. Vol. I. 1971. |
Greenacre Ph. The Quest for the Father. 1963. |
Greenacre Ph. Trauma, Growth and Personality. 1953. |
Greenberg J., Mitchell S. Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory. 1983. |
Greenson R. Explorations in Psychoanalysis. 1978. |
Greenson R. The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis. 1967. |
Greenspan S. Developmentally Based Psychotherapy. 1997. |
Greenspan S., Pollock G. (Eds.). The Course of Life. Vol. I-VI. 1989-1993. |
Grinberg L. & R. Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Migration and Exile. 1989. |
Grinstein A. Freud‘s Rules of Dream Interpretation. 1983. |
Groen-Prakken H. (Ed.). Psychoanalysis in Post-Classical Context. 1996. |
Groen-Prakken H., Ladan A. (Eds.). The Dutch Annual of Psychoanalysis. 1993. |
Groen-Prakken H., Ladan A., Stufkens A. (Eds.). The Dutch Annual of Psychoanalysis. 1995-1996. |
Grotjahn M. Beyond Laughter. 1957. |
Hamilton V. Narcissus and Oedipus. 1982. |
Hartmann H. Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation. 1958. |
Haynal A. The Technique at Issue. Controversies in Psychoanalysis from Freud and Ferenczi to Michael Balint. |
Healy W., Bronner A., Bowers A. The Structure and Meaning of Psychoanalysis. 1930. |
Heimann P. About Children and Children-No-Longer. 1989. |
Hellman I. From War Babies to Grandmothers. 1990. |
Horowitz M. Stress Response Syndromes. 1992. |
Horowitz M., Kernberg O., Weinshel E. Psychic Structure and Psychic Change. 1993. |
IPSO Congress. 1993. |
Young R. (Ed.). Free Associations: Psychoanalysis, Groups, Politics, Culture. Vol. 10. 1987. |
Young-Bruehl E. Anna Freud. 1988. |
Young-Bruehl E. Freud on Women. 1990. |
Jacoby R. The Repression of Psychoanalysis: Otto Fenichel and the Political Freudians. 1983. |
Jacobs T., Rothstein A. (Ed). On Beginning an Analysis. 1990. |
Jacobson A., Parmelee D. Psychoanalysis: Critical Explorations in Contemporary Theory and Practice. 1982. |
Jacobson E. The Self and the Object World. 1965. |
Jones E. Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis. 1951. |
Jones E. Sigmund Freud: Life and Work. Vol. I-III. 1953-1957. |
Karasu T., Socarides Ch. (Eds.). On Sexuality. 1979. |
Kernberg O. Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism. 1985. |
Kernberg O. Love Relations. 1995. |
Kernberg O. Severe Personality Disorders. 1984. |
Kernberg O., Selzer M., Koenigsberg H., Carr H., Appelbaum A. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of Borderline Patients. 1989. |
Khan M. Alienation in Perversions. 1979. |
King P., Steiner R. (Eds.). The Freud-Klein Controversies. 1991. |
Klein M. Contributions to Psycho-Analysis. 1950. |
Klein M. Love, Guilt and Reparation. 1975. |
Klein M. The Psycho-Analysis of Children. 1937. |
Klein M., Heimann P., Money-Kyrle R. (Ed.). New Directions in Psychoanalysis. 1957. |
Kohut H. The Analysis of the Self. 1974. |
Kohut H. The Restoration of the Self. 1977. |
Kooiman C.G. Alexithymia. 2003. |
Kris E. Psychoanalytic Explorations in Art. 1952. |
Kubie L. Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Psychoanalysis. 1950. |
Kutter P. (Ed.). Psychoanalysis International. 1995. |
Ladan A., Groen-Prakken H., Stufkens A. (Ed.). The Dutch Annual of Psychoanalysis: Traumatisation and War. 1995-1996. |
Laine A. (Ed.). Power of Understanding: Essays in Honour of Veikko Tahka. 2004. |
Lampl-de Groot J. The Development of the Mind. 1966. |
Lampl-de-Groot J. Man and Mind. Collected Papers. 1985 |
Langs R. The Listening Process.1978 |
Langs R., Searles H. Intrapsychic and Interpersonal Dimensions of Treatment. 1980. |
Laplanche J, Pontalis J. The Language of Psychoanalysis. 1988. |
Lasky R. Dynamics of Development and the Therapeutic Process. 1993. |
Lax R.F. (Ed.). Essential Papers on Character Neurosis and Treatment. 1989. |
Lebovici S., Widlocher D. (Eds.). Psychoanalysis in France. 1980. |
Lemlij M. (Ed). Psychoanalysis in Latin America. 1993. |
Levin K. Freud‘s Early Psychology of the Neuroses. 1978. |
Lewin B. Selected Writings. 1973. |
Lewis H. Freud and the Modern Psychology. Vol. 2. 1983. |
Lewis H. Shame and Guilt in Neurosis. 1971. |
Lichtenberg J. Psychoanalysis and Infant Research. |
Lichtenberg J., Bornstein M., Silver D. Empathy. 1984. |
Lidz Th. Hamlet’s Enemy: Madness and Myth in Hamlet. 1975. |
Limentani A. Between Freud and Klein. 1989. |
Lorand S. (Ed.). The Yearbook of Psychoanalysis. Vol. II-III. 1946-1947. |
Lorand S. Clinical Studies in Psychoanalysis. 1950. |
Luborsky L. Principles of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 1984. |
Lungwitz H. Psychobiology and Cognitive Therapy of the Neuroses. 1993. |
MacNab B.I.E. Perceptions of Phobia &Phobics. 1987 |
Madison P. Freud‘s Concept of Repression and Defense: Its Theoretical and Observational Language. 1961. |
Mahler M. On Human Symbiosis and the Vicissitudes of Individuation. 1969. |
Mahler M., Pine F., Bergman A. The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant. 1975. |
Mahony P. Freud and the Ratman. 1986. |
Mahony P. Freud as a Writer. 1987. |
Mahony P. On Defining Freud‘s Discourse. 1989. |
Malan D. A Study of Brief Psychotherapy. 1963. |
Malan D. Individual Psychotherapy and the Science of Psychodynamics. 1980. |
Malcolm J. In the Freud Archives. 1983. |
Malcolm J. Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession. 1988. |
Mann J. Time-Limited Psychotherapy. 1979. |
Marsella A., Hirschfeld R., Katz M (Ed.). The Measurement of Depression. 1987. |
Martindale B., Morner M., Rodriguez M., Vidit J. (Eds.). Supervision and Its Vicissitudes. 1997. |
Masserman J. Principles of Dynamic Psychiatry. 1946. |
Masson J. (Ed.). The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess (1887-1904). 1985. |
Masterson J. The Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders. 1981. |
McDougall J., Lebovici S. Dialogue with Sammy. 1969. |
McGuire W. (Ed.). The Freud / Jung Letters. 1974. |
Mead M. Male and Female. 1950. |
Meyers H. (Ed.). Between Analyst and Patient. 1986. |
Mendelson M. Psychoanalytic Concepts of Depression. 1960. |
Menninger K. Man Against Himself. 1938. |
Menninger K., Holzman P. Theory of Psychoanalytic Technique. 1973. |
Milner M. A Life of One‘s Own. 2011 |
Milrod B., Busch F., Cooper A., Shapiro T. Manual of Panic-Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. 1997. |
Mitchell S., Black. M. Freud and Beyond. 1995. |
Modell A. Object Love and Reality. 1969. |
Modell A. Psychoanalysis in a New Context. 1984. |
Moore B., Fine B. (Eds.). Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts. 1990. |
Morrison A. (Ed.). Essential Papers on Narcissism. |
Murphy W. The Tactics of Psychotherapy. 1965. |
Nagera H. (Ed.). Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on Metapsychology, Conflicts, Anxiety and Other Subjects. 1970. |
Nagera H. (Ed.). Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Libido Theory. 1969. |
Nagera H. (Ed.). Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Theory of Dreams. 1969. |
Nagera H. (Ed.). Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Theory of Instincts. 1970. |
Nagera H. Vincent van Gogh. 1990. |
Ogden Th. The Primitive Edge of Experience. 1989. |
Parsons R., Wicks R. (Ed.). Passive-Agressiveness. 1983. |
Paskauskas E. (Ed.). The Complete Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Ernest Jones. 1993. |
Person E. (Ed.). On Freud‘s „A Child is Being Beaten“. 1997. |
Person E., Fonagy P., Figueira S. (Ed.). On Freud‘s „Creative Writers and Day-dreaming“. 1995. |
Person E., Hagelin A., Fonagy P. (Ed.). On Freud‘s „Observations on Transference-Love“. 1993. |
Peterfreund E. Information, Systems and Psychoanalysis. 1971. |
Pierloot R. Psychoanalytic Patterns in the Work of Graham Green. 1994. |
Piers G., Singer M. Shame and Guilt. 1971. |
Pincus L., Dare Ch. Secrets in the Family. 1978. |
Pine F. Drive, Ego, Object and Self. 1990. |
Pollock G. How Psychiatrist Look at Aging. Vol. I-II. 1992-1994. |
Pribram K., Gill M. Freud‘s „Project“ Re-assessed. 1976. |
Psychoanalytic Glossary. EPF Bulletin. 1997. |
Racker H. Transference and Counter-transference. 1968. |
Rapaport D. (Ed.). Organization and Pathology of Thought. 1951. |
Rascovsky A. (Ed.). Psychoanalysis in Argentina. 1942-1997. |
Reich A. Psychoanalytic Contributions. 1973. |
Reich W. Character Analysis. 1933. |
Reiser M. Mind, Brain, Body. 1984. |
Reppen J. (Ed.). Beyond Freud. 1985. |
Ribble M. The Peronality of the Young Child. 1955. |
Rycroft Ch. A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. 1968. |
Roazen P. Freud and His Followers. 1976. |
Rothenberg A. The Creative Process of Psychotherapy. 1988. |
Rothstein A. (Ed.). How Does Treatment Help? 1988. |
Rothstein A. (Ed.). The Moscow Lectures of Psychoanalysis. 1991. |
Rothstein A. (Ed.). The Reconstruction of Trauma. 1986. |
Rothstein A. Psychoanalytic Technique and the Creation of Analytic Patients. 1995. |
Sayers J. Mothering Psychoanalysis. 1992. |
Sandler J. (Ed.). On Freud‘s „Analysis Terminable and Interminable“. 1987. |
Sandler J. (Ed.). Projection, Identification, Projective Identification. 1988. |
Sandler J., Dare Ch., Holder A. The Patient and the Analyst. 1973. |
Sandler J., Freud A. The Analysis of Defense. 1985. |
Sandler J., Kennedy H., Tyson R. The Technique of Child Psychoanalysis: Discussions with Anna Freud. 1980. |
Sandler J., Person E., Fonagy P. (Ed.). On Freud‘s „On Narcissism: an Introduction“. 1991. |
Schmukler A. Saying Goodbye: A Casebook of Termination in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Therapy. 1991. |
Schur M. Drives, Affects, Behaviour. Vol. II. 1965. |
Schur M. Freud: Living and Dying. 1972. |
Segal H. Delusion and Artistic Creativity and Other Psychoanalytic Essays. 1981. |
Segal H. Introduction to the Work of Melanie Klein. 1988. |
Shapiro Th. (Ed.). The Concept of Structure in Psychoanalysis. 1991. |
Shengold L. Halo in the Sky: Observations on Anality and Defense. 1988. |
Slakter E. (Ed.). Countertransference. 1987. |
Slap J., Slap-Shelton L. The Schema in Clinical Psychoanalysis. 1991. |
Socarides Ch. Homosexuality. 1978. |
Socarides Ch., Kramer S. (Eds.). Work and Its Inhibitions. 1997. |
Spillius E. (ed.). Melanie Klein Today. Vol. I-II. 1988. |
Spitz R. The First Year of Life. 1965. |
Stern D. The Interpersonal World of the Infant. 1985. |
Stern D. The Motherhood Constellation. 1995. |
Stollorow R., Lachmann F. Psychoanalysis of Developmental Arrests. 1980. |
Stone L. The Psychoanalytic Situation. 1961. |
Strupp H., Hadley S., Gomes-Schwartz B. Psychotherapy for Better or Worse. 1977. |
Sugarman A. (Ed.). Victims of Abuse. 1994. |
Sugarman A., Nemiroff R., Greenson D. (Ed). The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 2: A Memorial Volume to Ralph R. Greenson. 1992. |
Sutherland J. (Ed.). Psycho-Analysis and Contemporary Thought. 1958. |
Taft J. A Biographical Study of Otto Rank. 1958. |
Tarachow S. An Introduction to Psychotherapy. 1973. |
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Thoma H., Kachele H. Psychoanalytic Practice. Vol. I-II. 1987-1992. |
Tyson P., Tyson L. Psychoanalytic Theories of Development. 1990. |
Treurniet N. Support of the Analytical Process and Structural Change. 1991. |
Varvin S., Štajner-Popovič T. Upheaval: Psychoanalytical Perspectives on Trauma. 2002. |
Volkan V. Primitive Internalized Object Relations. 1976. |
Volkan V. The Need to Have Enemies and Allies. 1994. |
Volkan V., Ast G. Siblings in the Unconscious and Psychopathology. 1997. |
Wachtel P. Psychoanalysis and Behavior Therapy. 1973. |
Wachtel P. Relational Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy. 2008 |
Waelder R. Basic Theory of Psychoanalysis. 1960. |
Wallerstein R. (Ed.). Changes in Analysts and in Their Training. 1984. |
Wallerstein R., Kelly J. Surviving the Breakup. 1980. |
White M., Weiner M. The Theory and Practice of Self Psychology. 1986. |
Winnicott D. Playing and Reality. 1971. |
Winnicott D. The Child, the Family, and the Outside World. 1964. |
Winnicott D. The Family and Indiviual Development. 1965. |
Winnicott D. The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. 1990. |
Winnicott D. The Piggle. 1977. |
Winnicott D. Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry. 1971. |
Winnicott D.W. Thinking about Children. 1996. |
Wolberg L. The Technique of Psychotherapy. 1967. |
Wolff P. The Developmental Psychologies of Jean Piaget and Psychoanalysis. 1960. |
Wolman B (Ed.). Success and Failure in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. 1972. |
Wolman B. Handbook of Child Psychoanalysis. 1972. |
Wurmser L. The Mask of Shame. 1981. |
Zetzel E. The Capacity for Emotional Growth. 1970. |
Vokiečių kalba |
Abraham K. Klinische Beitrage Zur Psychoanalyse. 1921. |
Abraham K. Psychoanalytische Studien. Bd. I-II. 1971. |
Axline V. Kinder-Spieltherapie im Wicht-Direktiven Verfahren. 1972. |
Bareuther H., Busch H., Ohlmeier D., Plankers T. Forshen und Heilen. 1989. |
Berne J. Kinder beim Analytiker. 1973. |
Biermann G. Handbuch der Kinderpsychotherapie. Bd. I-II. 1969. Erganzungsband. 1976. |
Bleuler E. Lehrbuch Der Psychiatrie. 1937. |
Bohleber W., Kafka J. Antisemitismus. 1992. |
Brabant E., Falzeder E., Giampieri-Deutsch P. Sigmund Freud / Sandor Ferenczi Briefwechsel. 1993. |
Brautigam W. Reaktionen Neurosen Psychopathien. 1968. |
Brenner Ch. Psychoanalyse. 1955. |
Broser S., Pagel G. (Hrsg.). Psychoanalyse im Exil. 1987. |
Cremerius J. Vom Handwerk des Psychoanalytikers: das Werkzeug der psychoanalytischen Technik. Band 1, 2. 1984. |
Drews S., Kluwer R., Kohler-Weisker A., etc. (Hrsg). Provokation und Toleranz. 1978. |
Duhrssen A. Psychogene Erkrankungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. 1971. |
Duhrssen A. Psychotherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. 1968. |
Eckstaedt A. „Der Struwwelpeter“ Dichtung und Deutung. 1998. |
Eckstaedt A. Nationalsozialismus in der „zweiten Generation“. 1989. |
Fenichel O. Hysterien und Zwangsneurosen. 1967. |
Fenichel O. Neurosentheorie. 1973. |
Fenichel O. Perversionen, Psychosen, Charakterstorungen. 1967. |
Ferenczi S. Bausteine Zur Psychoanalyse. 1927. |
Ferenczi S. Schriften zur Psychoanalyse. Bd. I-II. 1970-1972. |
Fischer S. (Hrsg). Sigmund Freud / Lou Andreas-Salome Briefwechsel. 1980. |
Fischer S., K?pl R. Sigmund Freud: Wiener Schaupl?tze der Psychoanalyse. 2005. |
Fischer S. Protokolle der Wiener Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung. Bd. I-III (1906-1908; 1908-1910; 1910-1911). 1976-1979. |
Fornari F. Psychoanalyse des Ersten Lebensjahres. 1970. |
Freud A. Das Ich und die Abwehrmechanismen. 1936. |
Freud A. Einfuhrung in die Technik der Kinderanalyse. 1966. |
Freud S. Behandlungstechnik. 1890-1940. |
Freud S. Bildende Kunst und Literatur. Bd. X. 1907-1930. |
Freud S. Brautbriefe. 1988. |
Freud S. Briefe. 1972. |
Freud S. Das Unbehagen in der Kultur. 1930. |
Freud S. Die Traumdeutung. Bd. II. 1900. |
Freud S. Die Zukunft einer Illusion. 1927. |
Freud S. Drei Abhandlungen Zur Sexualtheorie. 1915. |
Freud S. Gesellschaft / Religion. Bd. IX. 1908-1939. |
Freud S. Hysterie und Angst. Bd. VI. 1893-1926. |
Freud S. Psychologie des Unbewusten. Bd. III. 1911-1940. |
Freud S. Psychologische Schriften. Bd. IV. 1905-1936. |
Freud S. Sammlung Kleine Schriften Zur Neurosenlehre. 1909, 1918. |
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An Anthology of The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child „Physical Illness and Handicap in Childhood“ |
Bulletin of the Anna Freud Centre Vol. 9 (3, 4); 13 (3); 15 (1); 16 (1, 2, 4); 17 (1). |
Bulletin of the Association of Psychoanalytic Medicine Vol. 8 (2). |
Bulletin of the Hampstead Clinic Vol. 2 (4); 5 (3); 6 (3); 7 (2). |
Contemporary Psychoanalysis Vol. 28 (1-4); 29 (2). |
International Forum of Psychoanalysis Vol. 9 (1-4). |
Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis Vol. 1 (2). |
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association Vol. 1 (1); 12-15; 16 (1-3); 17; 18 (2-4); 19-22; 23 (2-4); 24 (1, 2, 4, 5); 25-31; 36 (3). |
Newsletter of Association for Child Psychoanalysis 1993 (1); 1995 (2); 1996 (1-3); 1997 (1-3); 1998 (1-2). |
Newsletter of European Federation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Issues 4-5. |
Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Though Vol. 8 (1); 10 (2). |
Psychoanalysis in Europe (EPF Bulletin) Vol. 5; 12-37; 40; 43-44; 53, 56, 57, 58, 59. |
The Annual of Psychoanalysis Vol. 1 (1973); 2 (1974). |
The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol. 20 (2). |
The International Journal of Psychoanalysis Vol. 46-48; 49 (2-4); 50-72; 74 (1-5); 75 (1, 2, 4); 76 (1-4); 77 (1-5); 78 (1-3, 5); 79 (1-3, 5-6); 80 (1, 3-6); 81 (4-6); 82 (1-6); 83 (1,2, 4-6), 85 (1-6), 87 (1-6), 88 (1-6), 89 (1-6), 91 (1-6), 92 (1-6). |
The International Review of Psychoanalysis Vol. 1-6; 7 (1, 2); 14 (4); 15 (1-3); 16-18; 19 (1-3). |
The Psychoanalytic Quarterly Vol. 40 (4); 41 (1, 3); 42 (1-4); 50 (1-4); 53 (1, 2, 4). |
The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child Vol. 1-37; 39-40; 42-45; 47-50. |
The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review Vol. 1-14; 15 (1); 17 (1). |